Travel Information

When travelling to areas with a high risk of contracting infectious diseases, it is important to consider getting travel vaccinations to protect yourself. The vaccinations you need depends on where you are going and the time of year of your trip.

These vaccinations are in addition to the ones you receive according to the UK vaccination schedule and some countries may require proof of certain vaccinations before allowing entry.

If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel, as soon as your travel plans are confirmed, you should contact a local traffic clinic to discuss your travel arrangements.

Allow Enough Time

Please ensure that you give yourself at least 8 weeks to receive advice and organise your vaccinations prior to your departure.

You should give as much notice as possible as certain travel vaccinations have to be given over an extended period. Others need to be given well in advance to allow your body to develop immunity.

Further information about countries and required vaccinations can be found on the following website:

Arranging Travel Advice/Vaccinations

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer travel advice at City Walls Medical Centre. However, you can visit travel health clinics in Chester and Liverpool to seek such advice and arrange for vaccinations, including malaria prevention.

Note: These clinics may charge you for their services.

We will continue to provice the following vaccinations that are available for free on the NHS:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Diptheria/Polio/Tetanus
  • Typhoid

If you need any of these vaccinations for your upcoming trip, please book an appointment with one of our practice nurses.

Travel Vaccination Risk Assessment

Due to certain circumstances, it may not be appropriate to give you certain vaccinations. Please read the following checklist for more information: